Lie, Rinse, Spin, Repeat.
Ken "I can neither confirm nor deny that I am heterosexual" Mehlman trots out the same old stale Rethug talking points for the campaign trail. The GOP has truly run out of ideas, and that's a good thing since they were all lousy ideas anyway.
RNC Chief Faults Democratic Leaders on Terrorism
BLOOMINGTON, Minn., Aug. 4 -- Ken Mehlman, chairman of the Republican National Committee, denounced Democratic Party leaders Friday, saying they would "surrender important tools" in the fight against terrorism.Surrender important tools? You mean like torture, illegal wiretapping, and suspension of constitutional rights? These so-called "tools" will not only prove to be our undoing as a democracy, they've also been proven useless in practice--unless, of course, your true goals are suppression of dissent and a virtual dictatorship.
Amid low approval ratings for President Bush and diminishing support for the Iraq war, Mehlman's speech at the RNC's summer meeting echoed a theme voiced by White House adviser Karl Rove in January: that Republicans should make terrorism a central campaign issue in the fall campaigns and argue that Democrats hold a pre-Sept. 11 view of the world.
Technorati Tags: GOP, Mehlman, RNC, Bush, Dems, terror, lies, Rove