Circle-Jerking Logic
Axioms of evil:
A. The United States doesn't torture.
B. We may have issued a memo authorizing harsh interrogation techniques, and these techniques could be characterized as torture; however, per axiom A, the USA doesn't torture. Therefore, these techniques cannot constitute torture.
C. Actual instances of harsh treatment tantamount to torture have been reported by credible and reliable sources; however, per axiom A, the USA doesn't torture. Therefore, these instances do not represent torture.
D. If Dear Leader had his way, he would disembowel all his detractors in the Rose Garden during Sweeps Week. While this barbaric practice might seem like torture, axiom A must be considered. Therefore, disemboweling does not constitute torture.
White House Denies Torture Assertion -
Technorati Tags: Bush, Gonzales, torture, Abu Ghraib
A. The United States doesn't torture.
B. We may have issued a memo authorizing harsh interrogation techniques, and these techniques could be characterized as torture; however, per axiom A, the USA doesn't torture. Therefore, these techniques cannot constitute torture.
C. Actual instances of harsh treatment tantamount to torture have been reported by credible and reliable sources; however, per axiom A, the USA doesn't torture. Therefore, these instances do not represent torture.
D. If Dear Leader had his way, he would disembowel all his detractors in the Rose Garden during Sweeps Week. While this barbaric practice might seem like torture, axiom A must be considered. Therefore, disemboweling does not constitute torture.
White House Denies Torture Assertion -
Bush administration officials acknowledged today that the Justice Department issued a secret legal opinion in early 2005 allowing specific interrogation techniques to be used on CIA terrorism suspects, but denied that the tactics violated earlier government decrees against torture.No tautologies have ever been as taut as those which this Assministration has taught us. And I taut I taw a Pussycon.
Technorati Tags: Bush, Gonzales, torture, Abu Ghraib