Wednesday, October 03, 2007

'sOK, John...

...Mormons (and the rest of us) don't know if you're really Christian, either. After all, you don't even remember if you were sprinkled (Episcopalian) or dunked (Baptist).

Election Central | Talking Points Memo | McCain: "I Don't Know" If Mormons Are Christians
At a meeting with the Spartanburg Herald-Journal editorial board, McCain was asked whether Mormons are Christians — a serious issue with many evangelicals, and a potential pitfall for Mitt Romney.

"I don't know. I respect their faith. I've never frankly looked at the Mormon religion. I've known a lot of Mormons who are wonderful people," McCain said. "More importantly, I don't think it should be held against Gov. Romney. The fact that he's a Mormon should not be a factor in people's judgment."
But the fact that McCain is a shameless suckass should definitely be a factor in people's judgment.

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