Bravely defending poor Sarah Palin against evil media sexism with...
Media Matters - Mark Belling called Gloria Steinem a "grizzled old bag," "old witch"
Media Matters - Mark Belling called Gloria Steinem a "grizzled old bag," "old witch"
BELLING: Guess who's weighing in on Sarah Palin. I couldn't be happier -- Gloria Steinem, grizzled old bag that she is. There was one point where Gloria Steinem was the future of the feminist movement in America. She created Ms. magazine, she invented it. She was the cutting edge feminism. Feminists prior to her were the old bags, the previous generation prior to the Betty Friedans of the world, the women that were so ugly you couldn't stand to look at them. Here came Gloria Steinem wearing the miniskirts and dating the famous people and being the glamorous representation of what American feminism is. Well, now Gloria Steinem is just nothing more than a 74-year-old, embittered, old has-been sitting out in Los Angeles. She watched Sarah Palin on TV and she's beside herself. Here's what the old witch has to write. [...]Technorati Tags: Mark Belling, Sarah Palin, sexist, sexism, asshole, hate radio, clear channel