The job interview
Would you hire someone who failed to show up for a job interview? Or refused to allow you to check their references? Well, the GOP is asking us to hire Sarah Palin as the 2nd MOST POWERFUL PERSON IN THE FRICKIN' COUNTRY on just that basis. You have to say one thing: these people really have balls.
AMERICAblog News| A great nation deserves the truth
Technorati Tags: Sarah Palin, job interview, thin resume, lousy references, stonewalling, lying, liar
AMERICAblog News| A great nation deserves the truth
Remember how Sarah Palin said she didn't like the way Washington worked? Sure. She sure knows the Washington way of stonewalling an investigation. What she's doing in Alaska would make George Bush, Karl Rove, Tom Delay and even Dick Nixon proud.No, I'm afraid she was already more than capable when they picked her.
Today, we're learning that subpoenas will have to be issued in the Troopergate scandal. That's because the Governor, Sarah Palin, who previously talked about fully cooperating with the investigation, no longer is:
The Palin administration in recent days has shown resistance to the legitimacy of the legislative investigation.
A press release today from [GOP State Rep. Ray] Ramras and Sen. Hollis French, the Anchorage Democrat who is managing the Branchflower investigation, says subpoenas are necessary to compel cooperation with Branchflower.
Says the press release:
"This week, seven key witnesses informed Mr. Branchflower through their attorneys that they would not provide depositions. Their depositions, which had been agreed to and scheduled earlier with Mr. Branchflower, were cancelled within the last 72 hours.
"Additionally, the governor's lawyer has stated that he represents the governor and the governor's office, and has forbidden any contact by Mr. Branchflower with any member of that office.
"Mr. Branchflower wishes to depose some of those employees. The issuance of the subpoenas is intended to get at the truth and to expedite the completion of his report to the public."
Palin is becoming Bush-like in her capacity to just say things that aren't true.
Technorati Tags: Sarah Palin, job interview, thin resume, lousy references, stonewalling, lying, liar